Her mission

(she chose to accept it)
Empower teams to improve how they work, relate, and communicate

Recent Deployments

Tools & Tradecraft

Advanced Google Search


Project Management



Noteworthy Achievements

Delivered and led projects within a highly complex and collaborative ecosystem that involved partnering with various engineering teams and data science regularly
Collaborated with international teams at several companies to overcome time zone issues and improve knowledge share and cross team collaboration via a Rails upgrade
Onboarded and mentored a new consultant on their first project so that they were set up for success while navigating through a Rails and React project
Migrated a Rails app to Phoenix Elixir with front end composed of web components while also helping the team find their voice, communicate better, and collaborate across the org

Reports from the Field

  1. Why are we adding another modal?

    So you want to be a product-minded engineer? Minnie Lee shares personal perspectives and experiences around environments that foster these skills more naturally, plus the benefits for both the individual and the company.
    Time An icon of a clock Publish Date
    September 6, 2022
    Person An icon of a human figure Authors
    Minnie Lee
    Category An icon of a paper organzier Categories
  2. Double Agent Profile: Minnie Lee

    Meet the double agents behind Test Double’s mission to build great software and great teams. In this edition, find out more about Minnie Lee.
    Time An icon of a clock Publish Date
    July 16, 2021
    Person An icon of a human figure Authors
    Minnie Lee
    Cathy Colliver
    Category An icon of a paper organzier Categories
    Our Company

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