Reports from the Field

  1. Complex FFI with Rust & Unity

    As promised in “Getting started with FFI: Rust & Unity”, the next steps for any FFI binding is a “zero-copy” bridge for complex data types. In other words our current goal is to pass classes, objects, or structs between the two languages.
    Time An icon of a clock Publish Date
    July 31, 2018
    Person An icon of a human figure Authors
    Michael Schoonmaker
    Category An icon of a paper organzier Categories
  2. Getting started with FFI: Rust & Unity

    In my slack time, I’ve started writing games in Unity again. As I’ve been going, though, I found myself wanting some of the tools and features from Rust. I’ve grown accustomed to Rust for performance-sensitive applications; it has several tools and features that make writing those applications easier for me.
    Time An icon of a clock Publish Date
    January 2, 2018
    Person An icon of a human figure Authors
    Michael Schoonmaker
    Category An icon of a paper organzier Categories
  3. Cloning a local repo over HTTP

    For fully distributed companies like Test Double, Git hosts like GitHub and BitBucket have become essential for collaboration. Rather than hiring sysadmins to maintain an in-office, intra-networked filesystem, we rely instead on shared hosting by experts and SaaS licensing.
    Time An icon of a clock Publish Date
    February 1, 2017
    Person An icon of a human figure Authors
    Michael Schoonmaker
    Category An icon of a paper organzier Categories
  4. Large and in charge: Using Git LFS

    Why might I need Git LFS? To some extent, all software is obsessed with data. Facebook, GitHub, and Dropbox are not very compelling without the data they manage, and Rails wouldn’t be near as widely used without ActiveRecord (or some equivalent).
    Time An icon of a clock Publish Date
    January 25, 2017
    Person An icon of a human figure Authors
    Michael Schoonmaker
    Category An icon of a paper organzier Categories

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