His mission

(he chose to accept it)
Solving the hard problems at the root
He's the first one to volunteer to solve issues and is not afraid to get in the ugliest, nastiest piece of code and make it better (in fact I think he likes it). He clearly takes pride in what he does and goes the extra mile when it would benefit the larger team.
Principal Software Engineer

Recent Deployments

Infrastructure containerization & AWS cost optimization
Bar chart
DevEx, observability and performance improvement
Ruby and Rails training at Github
API and developer portal

Tools & Tradecraft






Noteworthy Achievements

Found the root cause and mitigated multiple incidents where the team was stumped
Reduced infrastructure spend by a factor of 4
Uncovered a massive scraping operation by a competitor
Wrote a multi-platform game engine from scratch
Optimized frontend build time from 5 minutes to 5 seconds at a client, and deployments from 20 minutes to 3 minutes

Reports from the Field

  1. 14 tools and gems every Ruby developer would love

    Here are some of my personal favorites tools and gems as a Ruby developer to help with feedback loops, performance and debugging, and data management.
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    March 26, 2024
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